Dancing Histor(y)ies creation process

In May, we are commencing with the creation process of the new works for this year’s Dancing History(y)ies festivals in Serbia (Viminacium), Spain (Merida) and Italy (Tharros). In each location, ilDance will present a unique site-specific work which interacts with local history and current culture. For these three works, Aloni is working with performers and creative collaborators Elias Kraft, Elias Khanamidi, Arunas Mozuraitis and Victor Persson. The three works will be accompanied by an original soundtrack by Didi Erez and the costumes are created by Amanda Wisselgren. The soundtrack and the costumes are developed in collaboration with community members through a series of on site workshops in each location.  

The key objective of Dancing Histor(y)ies is to valorise archeological and heritage sites in Europe through the freshness and ephemerality of contemporary dance and through continuous work with the communities who currently live in close proximity to the sites. In this process, Aloni is interested in interacting with local, past and present, cultures whilst treating them with the utmost respect and care and at the same time, offering alternative perspectives on the way we narrate history. A key methodology in this process is queering the ways in which gender is represented in the retelling of history.

This year, ilDance will be performing in the Dancing Histor(y)ies festivals in Viminacium, Serbia (26 June 2024),  Merida, Spain (05 July 2024) and Tharros, Sardinia - Italy (12 July 2024)

For information about the performances and workshops with Aloni and the cast in all the mentioned locations, please visit ilDance’s calendar.  


Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them


ilDance at IETM Sofia 2024


Dancing Histor(y)ies - Second workshop in Viminacium